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New Video Of Rosedale Explosion; Both Sets Of Tracks Now Reopen

ROSEDALE, Md. (WJZ) -- Dramatic new video of the explosion following the derailment in Rosedale, as federal investigators remain on the ground examining every bit of evidence.

Both sets of tracks are back open, remarkable considering the destruction just a few days ago.

Mike Hellgren has the latest on what investigators have learned.

Both state police and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration are looking into the trucking company at this point. There is some cleanup still underway, but both sets of tracks reopened before midnight Thursday.

You're watching new video WJZ obtained of the Rosedale explosion. The raw power of the chemical blast took the breath away from those nearby.

"Sucked all the air out, I couldn't breathe. It knocked my backwards down the hill," a man said.

And right now, John Alban Jr., the owner of Alban Waste and the truck that collided with the CSX train, is facing both federal and state safety reviews for his company.

Captain Norman Dofflemyer heads the state police inspection unit.

"The company has I think four trucks. It shouldn't take more than a day or two. We need to do it safely. No product is worth delivering at a cost of a life," he said.

State police tell WJZ Alban's company failed a similar audit almost two years ago.

"We're addressing the problems, helping them correct it so they can be a viable carrier again," said Dofflemyer.

Police have blocked access to Alban Waste. Alban has not been available for comment. Authorities plan to interview him when he's out of the hospital.

Just three days after the explosion, the tracks have reopened and trains are again running.

"If I was in front of this door, I would have probably been hurt," said Donna Lego, witness.

Donna Lego was standing in her doorway during the explosion.

"And then up in our bedroom on the opposite side, it knocked out that window," she said.

It cracked most of the windows in her home and the foundation. She's stuck with the insurance deductible and the mess, but she says she's thankful to be alive.

"The house shook and I could hear the glass shattering, and I thought, 'Oh god.' It's scary, I mean, it's really scary," Lego said.

Many others had close calls, but survived. There were no fatalities.

John Alban is still in the hospital being treated at this point.

The NTSB is leading the investigation, but they have yet to determine a cause.

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