Protesters Continue To Demand Mubarak Leave Egypt
BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Preventing more chaos in Cairo is the goal as protests in Egypt enter their third week.
Mike Hellgren has more on the message protesters are sending in Washington, D.C.
Those with ties to Egypt want to send a message to U.S. leaders and to their loved ones thousands of miles away: we want Mubarak out.
"We need freedom for Egypt. We need security for our families in Egypt and it's nothing but human rights," said a protester.
Hundreds of Egyptian-Americans were bussed in over the weekend for protests outside the embassy in northwest Washington. Similar protests are expected over the next two weeks.
"We are not going to accept anything other than Mubarak leaving the country and we should figure out together who's going to be next," said another.
"It is a very authoritarian government. He should leave," said a protester.
Protesters marched to the White House. Many slept overnight in Lafayette Square, where the mood was almost festive.
"Just coming together, collaboration with different people who have never been prouder to be Egyptian," said a protester.
And who are not shy about what they want.
"Exchanging one dictatorship with another is not acceptable," said one.
"Egypt is the capital of the Middle East and it can no longer sustain suppressing its people," said another.
There have been similar protests across the United States, with the situation in Egypt still uncertain and concern running high.