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Police Investigate Rash Of Campus Robberies

The search continues for suspects in three armed robberies at Baltimore College campuses.  Jessica Kartalija has the latest in the investigation.

It appears to be a quiet day on campus at Loyola University.

"Something happens every day," said junior Marina Francis.

A brazen robbery has students on edge.

"Yeah, all of us students have taken into account that something has happened between Campion and Newman towers and we are going to be on alert," said freshman Colby Romero.

"I park somewhere that other people park so I try not to park where my car is excluded.  I always walk with other people, not by myself," Francis said.

Campus officials say three students were robbed at knifepoint Friday.

"We are increasing foot patrols in the area.  Baltimore City is also increasing its patrols in the area," said Courtney Jolley.  "We also have closed-circuit TV cameras that we are able to use to keep a focused eye in the area that was involved."

On campus at the Community College of Baltimore County, Sky Eye Chopper 13 was overhead minutes after a student walking to her car was robbed at gunpoint.

"The victim then gave the suspect her money and her wallet," said a police official.

Police say the suspect got the victim's attention by yelling, "Hey, Tiger."  She was wearing a Towson Tigers jacket.

At Towson, an alert sent out this week says a woman making a deposit at a campus bank was robbed at gunpoint.  Now there's a warning for students throughout Baltimore.

"We give them a lot of recommendations on how to be safe and aware--not just at Loyola but anywhere they might be going," Jolley said.

Loyola University officials say the suspect took off with $50, a cell phone and a student's ring.

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