Planning officials pave way for seven-story apartment building in North Charles Village
BALTIMORE – The Baltimore City Planning Commission has advanced three bills to the City Council to rezone parts of North Charles Village.
A section of the 3100 block of Saint Paul Street may soon be home to a seven-story apartment building at the site of the old Eddie's Market to the corner of 32nd Street.
"It's still too tall. There's no reason for that," Carol Anderson-Austra testified Thursday at the Planning Commission.
The current zoning in the area allows for buildings up to 68 feet. The Commission approved City Council Bill #23-0433, which would allow a building to be built as tall as 80 feet.
"The initial proposal had the new construction going to 90 feet, so the compromise is to lower the proposed building to seven stories, up to 80 feet," Sandy Sparks, chair of the Charles Village Land Use Committee, said. "That Design Review Committee is really what ensures there's quality development in each project."
Another bill (CC #23-0432) would re-zone the east side of the 3300 block of Saint Paul Street to allow for commercial development.
Some people in the area say that new housing is not needed.
"We need to focus on turning our housing towards neighborhoods that need it more—more low-income areas that already have all these things," Meira Berlow said.
If the bills clear the Baltimore City Council, then the new apartment building could be open as soon as 2026.