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Planet Fitness Offering Free Classes On Facebook To Help People Get Back Into Shape In 2021

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Many have taken up some new pandemic hobbies like making sourdough bread or other crafts. For some, their workout regimen may have fallen by the wayside, but gyms around Maryland are getting ready to help you get back to the gym safely.

It's a question some of us may want to avoid -- have you been working out during the pandemic? That's why gyms like Planet Fitness are trying to do all they can to keep you active.

"We do have a touchless check-in," said trainer Quintin Dailey. "We also have sanitation stations around the gym that are marked by those yellow flags."

Dailey acknowledges not everyone might feel comfortable coming in: "some may feel they're not ready to return back to the gyms as of yet."

So that's why they've created 20-minute workout sessions online.

"W do those Monday through Friday on Facebook Live at 7 p.m. eastern standard time," he said. "But if you can't make those we also post those same United We Move exercises on YouTube for everyone to see."

It's available for free to both members and nonmembers.

"We want to make sure opportunities like this are available to everybody," Dailey said.

Because working out doesn't just help your physical health.

"Physical activity is going to benefit mental health like reducing anxiety depression and even stress," he added.

It's a win-win situation worth taking into the new year.

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