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Phil Rogers Of The Chicago Tribune Gives Insight On The Upcoming Series With The White Sox

Phil Rogers is in his third decade covering major league baseball, and has done it for the Chicago Tribune since 1997. Phil joined Ed & Steve to talk about the upcoming series between the Orioles and the White Sox.

Phil Rogers

Ed asked Phil if he thinks we've been deprived of a home-run chase because of the crackdown on steroids. Phil said the reason the players want PEDs out of baseball is because they hate that fans immediately think you're using if you achieve anything.

Steve asked Phil is it fair of the fans to just assume everyone is taking steroids if they do well at the plate. Phil said it's an inevitable question for fans to ask because so many athletes across the sports landscape have been found guilty.

Ed asked Phil about the upcoming trade deadline and some names linked to the O's. Phil said that Peavey and Garza are the two players mentioned most and Phil said he would rather have Garza if both are pitching their best. Then Phil talked about Peavey not pitching right now and how he hopes to be back by the trade deadline.

Steve then asked Phil if he was starting a team which player would he take Machado, Bryce Harper, or Mike Trout. Phil said he would take Machado who has more value then the other two players and they are all three productive.

Finally Steve asked Phil where he sees the Orioles ending up. Phil said if the Orioles add pitching they'll be a true contender and be in the mix at the end.

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