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Orioles Manager Buck Showalter Gives An Off Season Update From Sarasota

Buck Showalter is the current manager for the Baltimore Orioles and has seen the team rise to being a contender under his watch.

Buck joined Ed & Steve to talk about the off-season so far for the Birds.

Buck Showalter

Steve asked Buck for a sense of what is going on with the O's right now. Buck said now it's just about getting pitchers throwing and getting guys who have had injury concerns in and working out for the team and doing conditioning and medical checkouts so they can have a file on each guy come the Spring.

Ed asked about the closer situation and how crazy the Balfour situation was. Buck said that the Balfour situation is not crazy it got out of hand in the media, and the reports made the situation worse than it was. Buck then said it's not out of the realm of possibility that Balfour could still end up an Oriole because they like him but he needs to pass the physical.

Buck also gave updates on Manny Machado and Dylan Bundy and their difficult off-seasons. Buck said Dylan has had a very tough off-season with a sudden and tragic passing in his family, and how Dylan has come in and rededicated himself and shown a whole new focus. Buck also said that Manny is rehabbing well and Buck likes where he's at. Buck also said he is not saying where Bundy will start because he could really start anywhere.

Ed asked about Nick Markakis and his injury problems. Buck said that Nick is great and this has been the first off-season where Nick has been healthy and able to workout a full load. Buck expects that we will see an even better Markakis this upcoming season.

Buck then went on to talk about the off-season acquisitions by the Orioles, listen to find out his analysis.

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