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O'Malley In Video Campaign Supporting Gay Marriage

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) -- In just a few months, Maryland lawmakers will take up the issue of same-sex marriage again. The bill came very close to passing last season and now a new campaign is launching, attempting to win over more supporters.

Monique Griego has more on why this next battle will be a lot different.

Governor Martin O'Malley was practically silent on the issue last session. Now he's front and center with new strong supporters.

Just months after the governor announced he'd sponsor a same-sex marriage bill, he's starring in the first web campaign video, released by a new coalition of supporters.

"I'm looking forward to some people changing their mind," said Tessa Hill-Alstin, President of the Baltimore NAACP.

This time, the NAACP is jumping in the battle. It's a potential game-changer and they're already lobbying African-American lawmakers who voted against the marriage bill last season.

"We've always been, for over 100 years, fighting for the rights for all people and we want everyone to live the way they want to live. The NAACP is a force that believes in equality for all people," Hill-Alstin said.

Baltimore County Democrat Emmett Burns is opposes same-sex marriage and the governor's involvement.

"We're gonna keep it off the books," he said.

The most recent poll shows a majority of Marylanders are in favor of extending marriage rights to same-sex couples.

In July, New York became the sixth state to allow the unions. Supporters partially credit videos like the ones now running in Maryland for their win.

Dozens of videos are expected over the next few months. They'll include other politicians, celebrities and, perhaps, a few professional athletes.

The General Assembly will take up the issue in January.

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