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Nik Wallenda Prepares For Inner Harbor Stunt

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Harbor high wire. A member of the famous Flying Wallenda family is getting ready to walk over the Inner Harbor Wednesday night.

Jessica Kartalija has more on the final preparations for this stunt.

Nik Wallenda says he's not nervous at all. He says he's so used to doing this, it's in his DNA. His great-grandfather did this in 1973 but on a smaller scale. He was only 60 feet up; Nik Wallenda will be 100 feet up, rain or shine.

For seven generations, the Wallenda family has performed death-defying stunts.

Nic Wallenda prepares for his next challenging stunt: a walk over Baltimore's Inner Harbor.

"The cable will be mounted right in this area. It'll start here and picture a huge barge with a crane on it about 300 feet out that way," Wallenda said.

This is a tribute to his great-grandfather Carl who died while performing in Puerto Rico in 1978.

"My great-grandfather said it best. He said, `Life is on the wire and everything else is just waiting.' For us, that's what we love to do is be on the wire," Wallenda said. "It'll just be like you and me talking right now and it'll be time to go and I'll say, `Excuse me for a minute; I'll talk to you in 15 minutes' and I'll go and walk."

Wallenda will walk the length of a football field without a net or safety harness.

So what's his most challenging job?

"Parenting," Wallenda said.

Wallenda says his kids are so used to seeing him do this, the last time he did this in Pittsburgh, the kids were playing with Nintendo and couldn't care less. He was watching them from the wire.

He says rain or shine won't matter but if there's lightning, he'll stay on the ground.

This is the first time anyone has walked over water to a crane in the middle of the harbor.

WJZ will be there as Nik Wallenda walks over the Harbor. We will bring you his stunt Wednesday night on Eyewitness News at 5 and 6.

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