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New video shows spray deployed that caused chaos at Baltimore Pride Block Party

New video shows chaos at Baltimore Pride Block Party
New video shows chaos at Baltimore Pride Block Party 02:11

BALTIMORE -- New video shows when a chemical agent was sprayed that caused panic near the main stage at last weekend's Baltimore Pride Block Party.

Police said mace was sprayed into the crowd Saturday evening during a fight between two groups as the headline performer, Saucy Santana, was on stage.

Several people were treated for their injuries.

Video obtained by WJZ shows the two groups arguing when a spray was deployed causing the crowd to disperse.

"Everybody was having a great time," said Andre. "They were having a couple cocktails, listening to music, everybody's well-behaved, then I guess, certain hours."

Tramour Wilson, of the Pride Center, helped treat victims with first responders. Three people were sprayed, treated and released from the hospital.

"There were some folks who could not breathe," Wilson said. "There were some folks who could not see for a period of time."

Wilson said two others were injured in the chaos and stampede.

"People started coughing and it made a lot of folks start panicking," Wilson said.

Wilson said the spray and panic that followed affected about 200 people of the estimated 100,000 pride attendees during the weekend-long festivities.

"The rest of the pride footprint was still going on and they didn't even know the situation had even happened," Wilson said.

WJZ photojournalist Cory Sellgren was among those nearby.

"It's obviously not just the people who get hit," Sellgren said. "It's everything that happens after that. It's the people who don't know what's going on. When you're packed in that much, people are bound to get hurt."

Baltimore Police said fireworks were set off, which added to the panic, but the incident doesn't appear to be a targeted attack.

No arrests have been made.

"You think someone discharges a weapon, you don't know what's going on," Andre said.

Wilson says the Pride Center is considering moving Pride next year to a different footprint that's easier to manage security.

They are working with police to determine the exact substance sprayed.

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