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Ray Rice Cut From Ravens Following Release Of New Video

BALTIMORE (WJZ)--Released and suspended. The Ravens terminated Ray Rice's contract and the NFL has suspended him indefinitely.

Mike Hellgren has the latest on the leaked video.

Coach Harbaugh comments on the Ray Rice circumstance.

"It is tough and it is hurtful. My pain is for the couple. My hope is that as a couple they can make it work," Harbaugh said.

"I'll be praying for him. If I can help him in anyway, my wife and I will do that," Harbaugh said.

"Our guys felt it, all the same emotions everyone else would feel, we felt it too," Harbaugh said.

"I won't talk about feelings and why video changed things, won't talk about Rice's reaction to firing," Harbaugh said.

Ray Rice is no longer a Raven. The team terminated him and the NFL commissioner indefinitely suspended him, all because of a TMZ video showing him punching the woman he would marry just a month later.

NOTE: The above video does not include the elevator footage with Ray Rice and Janay Palmer. This is reaction from fans.

Just hours after TMZ released the video showing the violent confrontation at a casino between Rice and his then-fiancee, now wife--showing a punch that knocked her unconscious--the Ravens terminated Rice's contract. The shocking video drew widespread condemnation from Baltimore's mayor to fans.

"He's very clear that he disappointed himself and his family. I don't think anyone would disagree," said Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

Audrey Bergin runs the domestic violence program at Northwest Hospital.

"Certainly, early on when it came out, I heard people justifying it or downplaying it. I think the most recent video is powerful," she said.

Rice's firing follows months of unwavering support from the team.

"People will look at this incident but they have to judge this incident against everything else Ray has done with his life and in the community," said Ravens President Dick Cass.

And there were two press conferences with Rice, including one where his wife apologized.

"I do deeply regret the role that I played in the incident that night, but I can say I am happy that we continue to work through it together," she said.

But a key question persists: did the Ravens and the NFL see the video before Monday? An employee at the casino where it happened says yes; the league says no.

WJZ confirms the Atlantic County prosecutor had it.

Rice's lawyer describes it this way months ago.

"The video shows---hypothetically speaking now, hypothetically speaking---shows that Ray wasn't the first person that hit and Ray was getting repeatedly hit but just Ray hit harder, fired one back and hit harder," said Michael Diamondstein.

Rice got no jail time for the punch. In fact, prosecutors initially charged Palmer with simply assault, which was later dropped.

The commissioner initially gave Rice just a two-game suspension; now he's indefinitely suspended him.

Even before, Rice hinted at what the punch cost him.

"What happened that night is something that never should have happened and I'll have to pay for that for the rest of my life," he said on July 31.

Reaction to the elevator punch has been swift online.

Terrance Knighton with the Broncos says, "That man should be thrown out the NFL and thrown into jail. Shame on those deciding his punishment."

Brady Quinn with the Dolphins says, "Am I the only one who believes it should be a lifetime ban for the first time a player commits domestic violence? They should be done, period."

"I don't know much about football but I know that Ray Rice is a piece of garbage who shouldn't be allowed to play it professionally anymore," said actor Seth Rogen.

"Looks like the Ravens' strategy of `Move along, folks; Ray Rice's wife is sorry she got beaten' may not have been the best choice," said former NFL player Chris Kluwe.

"Ray Rice, at a loss for words. If anybody believes that's the first time he's hit a woman, I got an ocean in AZ I'd like to [show] you," said LeCharles Bentley.

The commissioner admitted he got it wrong from the start after initially defending himself, and the fans are stunned and want to know whether the NFL saw the video before it was released Monday.

"It's not always the crime, it's the coverup and I think the NFL, the Ravens, they all knew this existed and they just tried to sweep it under the table and that's what upsets me," said Phil from Parkville.

In a statement, Gov. Martin O'Malley said "The video released this morning of this domestic assault was horrible, shocking and reprehensible. Everyone can do more to help end the scourge of domestic violence. Please consider supporting the House of Ruth and learn about what Maryland is doing to reduce violence against women and children."

The House of Ruth also issued a statement, saying, "The video from the Ray Rice elevator incident simply confirms what we already knew occurred that night. It's difficult to watch intimate partner violence as it happens. It must have been even more difficult for Janay Rice to have experienced it. One in 4 women will be in a physically violent intimate relationship at some point in her life, and as a community we must all have zero tolerance for it wherever it exists. We appreciate the Ravens and the NFL for taking such a strong stand against intimate partner violence today. We look forward to developing our community partnership with the Ravens and starting our work of educating both players and staff on the importance of this issue, as well as getting the message out to the larger community."

In a statement, Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown said, "The Ravens made the right decision today. No family is immune from the horror of domestic violence and we should never turn a blind eye – regardless of whether the abuser is famous or lives across the street. Our families and communities will be stronger when all of our wives, mothers, daughters and friends can live free from the fear of domestic violence, that's why we must continue working to implement serious consequences for abusers while strengthening support for victims and survivors."

In a statement, Sen. Barbara Mikulski said, "I'm pleased the NFL has updated its out-of-date domestic violence policy. Domestic violence is unacceptable. Today the Ravens have taken action showing domestic violence will not be tolerated among its players. I support their decision."

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