New Nail Polish Detects Presence of Date Rape Drugs in Drinks
The future of preventing date rape may soon be at the tip of your finger—literally.
A group of undergrad students at North Carolina State University have invented a nail polish called "Undercover Colors" that changes hue when it comes into contact with Rohypnol ("roofie"), GHB, and other more common date rape drugs.
All a wearer needs to do is dip their polished finger into their drink and stir.
"“We wanted to focus on preventive solutions," Ankesh Madan told Higher Education Works. "Especially those that could be integrated into products that women already use.”
However, some critics argue that the aggrandizing of sexual assault prevention products like this one distract from the real problem of reforming young men and aggressors against endangering behavior.
While of course, the nail polish can only go so far to prevent rape, it's a good start and a catalyst to bring the discussion of sexual assault prevention further into the spotlight.