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Mike Harmon On Penn State, NFL

Mike Harmon of Fox, joined the Bob Haynie and Mark Zinno Show to talk about the NFL, and the probability that NCAA CEO Mark Emmert punishes Penn State.

With the recent arrests of Dez Bryant and Marshall Lynch, it has been surprising to some that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has not come out and said anything. Harmon said the new CBA is to blame for the commissioner's lack of action.


"It's the beauty of the 4000 page CBA, where everything has got to go through its processes and appeals. In the end he's still the judge and jury and that's one of the things that still get argued," he said.

The NFL has yet to come to term with its referees and Harmon said he believes all the other issues the NFL has been dealing with has pushed this deal to the 11th hour.

"But I think in the end the NFL, particularity with the week they've had here with the bounty issues, with the concussion stuff, everything rolling up, I think this one has gone on the back burner, thinking that the 11th hour it will get signed, and I would expect that to be the case," he said.

A lot of rookies have been yet to be signed and Harmon said this is due to the new CBA, and the new rules it has about contracts in regards to recently drafted players.

"Everybody wants that extra percentage guaranteed up front, and I think that's where the sticky point is because under the new CBA nobody's going to get that monster balloon payment that we've seen," he said.

Harmon also answered the question of whether or not NCAA CEO, Mark Emmert, should punish Penn State.

"In the end do they get the Death Penalty? No. But I would be very surprised if Emmert doesn't come down with some sort of sanctions," he said.

-Sarah Davis

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