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Glenn Younes: Media Day With Coleman

Jerry Coleman joined Glenn Younes on Tuesday nights show to go over today's Super Bowl Media Day.

He talked about the circus act of Media Day, covering meeting Katherine Webb to seeing men dressed up as super heroes. Jerry was able to get a few questions in "I was able to ask a few questions in, Ray Rice asked me if I got there in a kids seat."

Glenn got to ask what the feel of the team was "They were joyous, having a great time soaking in the atmosphere; you can tell everyone on the team was enjoying it."

Finally, Glenn got Jerry to talk about the pistol offense and how the defensive players see it: "The defensive guys were talking [Dixon] up saying he was doing a great job replicating Kaepernick."

You can listen to the whole interview right here:


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Follow Jerry Coleman on Twitter @sportswcoleman

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