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Md. Zoo In Baltimore Celebrates Birth Of Baby Gazelle

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- They're a critically endangered species, but a new baby gazelle has just been born in Charm City.

Ron Matz has a first look at the newest star at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.

The new baby gazelle, Ray-Ray, weighs in at 11 pounds.

"We had a new baby gazelle born not too long ago, a little boy. It's an exciting addition because we're trying to grow the herd," said Mike McClure, Maryland Zoo's general curator. "He's doing great, he's growing like a weed. He's taken really well to the conditioning we've been giving him and we're starting to think about how we're going to integrate him into the herd."

You can't see Ray-Ray yet, but you can enjoy his mom, grandmother and dad.

"Mom was an inexperienced mother, so we actually stepped in and decided to hand raise. These are very endangered gazelles, very important to the population overall, so it's really critical this little guy survive and have a good chance," said McClure.

The critically endangered species is fast and strong.

"People look at them and they're like ghosts, moving around, graceful and elegant. The thing I've always found interesting about them is that they seem fragile, but you get up close and start working with them and they're strong animals, really powerful, graceful and beautiful," said McClure.

Hopefully, visitors will be able to see Ray-Ray soon. He'll be with the rest of his family at the zoo's African Watering Hole.

"Hopefully, sometime this spring we'll have him out for everybody to look at. This is another good addition to the zoo. We're moving forward and trying to get all the animals built up and get them into some big herds and have things for everybody to come out and enjoy," said McClure.

The Maryland Zoo named the gazelle Ray-Ray in honor of the Ravens' Ray Lewis and Ray Rice.

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