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Md. Historical Trust Seeks Quake Damage Reports

CROWNSVILLE, Md. (AP) -- If you know of a historic building damaged in the East Coast quake, the Maryland Historical Trust wants to know.

Cory Kegerise, the trust's administrator of local preservation programs, says the preservation agency is compiling information about damage to older and historic buildings statewide and has established a web page to report damage. Kegerise says a little more than a dozen reports have been received so far, and that number is expected to grow.

Reports include plaster damage to the State House in Annapolis and the residence of the president of Washington College in Chestertown, which suffered chimney damage.

Kegerise says the trust holds easements on more than 700 buildings statewide and is collecting information to help coordinate repair efforts.

Click here for more information.

(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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