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Maryland NRP Reminds Boaters To Stay Safe This Labor Day Weekend

BALTIMORE (WJZ)-- With Labor Day weekend underway, Maryland Natural Resources Police wants to remind everyone going out on the water to stay safe with a few boating tips.

This reminder comes just days after the Coast Guard released their 2018 recreational boating statistics report, which announced an increase in the number of boating deaths in Maryland from the previous year.

Recreational Boating Deaths In Md. Up In 2018, Number Of Crashes Down

Fourth of July weekend was one of the most dangerous times on Maryland waters this year with 668 citations and 825 warnings issued by Maryland Natural Resources Police.

Meanwhile, June 29 had been marked as one of the deadliest days on Maryland waterways with three fatal boating accidents in just seven hours.

At the time, officials reminded boaters that they should wear lifejackets and that there must be enough life vests on the boat for every passenger.

Saturday Marked One Of The Deadliest Days On Maryland Waters

The Maryland Natural Resources Police included a did you know section along with their tips on what you can do to keep safe:


  • A typical three-blade propeller running at 3,200 rpm can inflict up to 160 cuts in one second.
  • A typical propeller can travel from head to toe in less than one-tenth of a second.
  • Most propeller strikes are preventable.


  1. NEVER allow passengers to ride on the bow, gunwale, transom, seatbacks, or other spots where they might fall overboard.
  2. Wear your engine cut-off switch lanyard and your life jacket at ALL times. If the lanyard is removed from the switch, the engine will not shut off.
  3. Assign a passenger to keep watch around the propeller area of your boat when people are in the water.
  4. Consider purchasing propeller safety devices for your boat.
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