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Maryland boy shot while raking leaves at his home dies

HILLCREST HEIGHTS, Md. (AP) — A 13-year-old Maryland boy has died after he was shot outside his home as he raked leaves.

The Washington Post reports that Juanita Agnew, who is the boy's mother, said her son Jayz Agnew died Friday evening.

The newspaper reports he had been fighting for his life since he was shot through the head as he was doing chores in front of his house in Prince George's County on Tuesday around 5:20 p.m. in Hillcrest Heights.

Agnew, who said her son wanted to be an emergency room doctor, said she is reeling.

"My greatest fear is my son will not get justice," she said.

She also said that if this can happen to her son, other children need to be careful.

"My house is in close proximity to the elementary school so this could have happened to any of the neighborhood children," she said.

Her family started a GoFundMe for "help with legal and investigative expenses."

"Our son Jayz was senselessly shot in the head while raking leaves in our front yard," the family wrote. "Our Jayz is a loving gentle child. His only squabbles are with his little sister Aaliyah over video games … We will not stop until justice is served."

(© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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