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Mary Sue's Chocolate Easter 'Eggscitement' Has Been A Baltimore Tradition For 60 Years

BALTIMORE (WJZ)—When you say Easter and Baltimore it means one thing: Mary Sue Easter eggs. They've been a Baltimore favorite for more than 60 years.

Ron Matz reports it's the candy maker's busiest time of the year.

The butter cream is ready. So is the chocolate. It's another busy day at Mary Sue on Caton Avenue. You might call it Easter egg eggscitement.

"Easter is what Mary Sue is known for. We've been making Easter eggs for over 60 years now, and we're looking forward to another great Easter. We don't keep count but we produce well into the millions," said Bill Buppert, president of Ruxton Chocolates and Mary Sue.

Mary Sue's famous eggs have been a Baltimore tradition since 1948.

"What Mary Sue is really known for is our vanilla butter cream eggs and pecan eggs. It's something we take a lot of pride in and have stayed true to all these years," Buppert said.

Baltimore's love affair with Mary Sue is in its sixth decade.

"We start shortly after Christmas and work right up heavily until Valentine's Day. For the past two months we have been doing fill in orders," Buppert said.

Carolyn Hammett has been decorating eggs for 11 years.

"It's heaven almost. Chocolate all day," Hammett said.

Day in and day out, it's a chocolate lover's paradise. Mary Sue's recipe hasn't changed since day one.

"We've donated 15,000 eggs to the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore," Buppert said. "They'll be giving them out over the next three days. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, everyone should go out and enjoy the zoo and our products."

So how did the famous candy company get its name? Mary and Sue were the daughters of one of the company's founders.

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