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Mark Zinno: Dan Levy Joins "Last Call" To Discuss MLB All-Star Game

Dan Levy, National Writer for, joined Zinno on "Last Call" to discuss the MLB All-Star game and the voting of the players. Levy says that baseball has it all wrong with how they select the players for the game. Both guys agreed that baseball should not make the All-Star Game decide home field advantage in the World Series.

Dan Levy Joins Last Call

Levy continued that the expanded rosters have diluted the idea that making the All-Star team is a big accomplishment, especially when as many as 40 selections have happened due to players deciding last minute not to play in the Mid-Summer Classic.

The fans continue to hold the power of the votes and while it is a bit flawed, Major League Baseball does a great job at keeping the fans interactive in the process. Levy joked, "If you want to really get the fans involved, have them manage the 7th inning!"

Follow Zinno on Twitter @MarkZinno

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