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Libyan-Americans In Md. Rejoice Over Gadhafi Regime's Fall

BALTIMORE (WJZ)-- Libyans all over the world are celebrating the fall of a violent dictator.

Weijia Jiang has the impact Gadhafi's death has on some Marylanders.

Plenty of Libyans in Maryland say they too have been waiting for Gadhafi's demise because they say he ripped something away from them that's impossible to replace.

As Libyans fire rifles in a Tripoli square-- overcome with emotion after Moammar Gadhafi was captured and gunned down-- his Maryland victims also are rejoicing 5,000 miles away.

"You never come to closure when you lose your only child," Rosemary Mild, the mother of one of Gadhafi's victims, said.

Mild, who is from Severna Park, still struggles with the death of her daughter Miriam. The 20-year-old died on Pan Am Flight 103.

Mild blames Gadhafi, who she calls an "evil man." She's on vacation, but WJZ reached her by phone.

"I've been choked up all day," she said. "She was deprived of her beautiful life but she lives on in spirit."

On Thursday night, a large group of Libyan-Americans erupted into song and dance in front of the White House.

Like Fadi Tarapolsi, many remember first-hand the terror of Gadhafi's regime. Born in Tripoli, his family fled to the Baltimore region.

"My entire adult life, we've always said, 'Once we go back to Libya we'll do this, once Gadhafi's gone we can do this,'" Tarapolsi said. "That day has finally arrived. We're just overwhelmed with so much emotion."

Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, a ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, says he anticipated this day.

"We had briefings for a long time," Ruppersberger said. "I met with Gadhafi, I know I didn't trust him, I didn't like him, I thought he was a brutal dictator in his own country. But eventually, your time comes."

Ruppersberger said the real challenge for Libya begins now, because the country has to rebuild its government and provide so many new jobs for a country that's been oppressed for nearly half a century.

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