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Jesse James & Garth Algar: Separated At Birth?

I never quite understood the fascination with our generation's 'Jesse James'.  Maybe we've emaciated the male of the species to such a degree that he is the poster child for bad-ass bravado.  Maybe it is his link to the legendary Jesse James and our desire for the days of more rugged individuality.  Maybe  it is his mechanic's brain that many envy.  Sorry.  As cool & free-spirited as we believe Jesse to be, I often only see Garth Algar.  Excellent. 

Jesse James will be the next celeb to check in to the latest Hollywood craze - sex rehab.  I'm not buying it.  Not knowing James I'm guessing he's just taking advantage of his fame.  What with all the ladies crawling over him and all.  It's not addiction.  It's opportunity.  Besides, I'd be a cheatin' fool, too, if I was roped in with Sandra B.  I'm sure she's nice...just not a huge fan.  And, not that I paid attention, but I smelled a fraud the second I heard of that Hollywood pairing.

I admire parts of Jesse James' life.  I like the fact he can work with his hands.  I like his creative vision.  I think it is neat that he is the great, great grandson of the cousin of a legendary American outlaw.  However; even with all the tattoos and muscles, fame & money to hide behind -  my brain can never stop associating him with Garth Algar from Wayne's World.

To me, Jesse and Garth are more closely related than the current and past Jesse James'.  Jesse & Garth have similar facial features and mannerisms.  They both seem to boast a boyish timidness or reluctance.  

It ain't sex addiction.  It's another 'Wayne's World' dream sequence.  Bang away.  Party on.  Excellent.

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