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J-Lo and James Corden Carpool Karaoke

Jennifer Lopez found herself up close and personal with James Corden while carpooling to CBS Television. They shared the sing-a-lon of a lifetime, she answered some pressing questions, and gave the talk show host a few tips on making a sexy music video.

Related: Watch Adele's Carpool Karaoke

Cordon dispelled an urban myth when he asked the question we've all wondered about, "Did you insure your butt for a million dollars?" To which she replied, "No." After discussing a potential joint venture of J-Lo and J-Co, the duo proceeded to break it down with her song, Booty, followed by Jenny From the Block and others.

Corden also sent a special message to Leonardo DiCaprio from Jennifer's phone, "Hey baby, I'm kind of feeling like I need to cut loose. Any suggestions? Let me know. J-Lo, y'know from the block." And Leo replied, "You mean tonight, boo boo? Clubwise?" Sounds like a plan.

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