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Housing Authority Of Baltimore City Announces Mandatory Vaccination Policy For Workers

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- The Housing Authority of Baltimore City on Monday mandated all its 650 employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 by Sept. 1, unless they are approved to not get the shot due to a legitimate medical reason or religious belief.

In a statement, HABC president and CEO Janet Abrahams cited the low vaccination among workers as a reason for the mandate.

"We have spent months repeatedly stressing to our employees the importance of getting the shots, yet only about half have submitted proof of vaccination," Abrahams said. "Now with Covid cases increasing, our Board of Commissioners and I felt compelled to protect our co-workers and the residents we serve, especially our seniors and other vulnerable clients."

Because HABC is an independent entity and not an official part of city government, the agency is able to make its own policies.

Employees can use paid time to go and get the shot. Anyone who doesn't present proof of vaccination by Sept. 1 will be put on a "45-day progressive discipline track" that ends in termination without compliance, the agency said.

HABC, the fifth largest public housing authority in the country, has partnered with MedStar Health to hold vaccination clinics for residents.

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