Hippodrome Theatre Reschedules The Donna Summer Musical For February 2021
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore has rescheduled its summer musical to February 2021, the theatre announced Thursday.
The CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Hippodrome Broadway Series engagement of Summer: The Donna Summer Musical, has been rescheduled to February 9-14, 2021.
"We are grateful for the community's continued support of our Baltimore Broadway family," said Ron Legler, president of The Hippodrome Theatre. "We are looking forward to the day when we can safely see each other again at the theatre and will be ready to dance and sing along with Donna Summer's smash hit 'Last Dance.'"
Ticket holders will be able to use their existing tickets for entry to the new dates and can see their new performance date by logging into their Subscriber, eCLUB or Ticketmaster account.
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