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Terry Ford: Hey Peyton, Thanks For Nothing!

We only got one lousy, stinkin' Super Bowl championship out of you Peyton, big deal! Oh, that crazy Jimmy Irsay! It's true, Jimmy is not your typical NFL owner. Jimmy tweets more than Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus combined. But, to be fair....At least he isn't his old man! How about all of that bellyaching he did last week about the Peyton Manning Era in Indy?

What Jimbo said wasn't wrong, but he shouldn't have said it out loud the week the Colts are hosting Manning and the Broncos. Say the next week Jimmy. And just because the Colts won didn't make Irsay right. Let's talk about it, just click below for the Terry Ford Show Podcast.....

Hey Peyton, Thanks For Nothing

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