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Glenn Younes: NFL - Rules For The Kids

The NFL ruled this week to try and make mandatory, in 2013, that players must wear knee & thigh pads. They've done this to show the children the importance of proper protection. While most will applaud those measures I ask you a simple question, do we really have a thigh injury problem with youth football?

I think not.

This is yet another move by the league to give the illusion of player safety along a focus on "the children". I say give me a break. You're not going to get me with this one. I hope that children understand the difference in tee ball, softball & baseball. Just like at the pro level in football, it's similar but not the same. Because NFL players don't wear thigh pads doesn't means a 12 year old is going to resist.

What a joke all these rules are. Don't insult me with the children excuse. It's all about protecting the investment, in the player. With the money teams spend on players they want to make sure they are at max health. But it's really about giving the fans something to chew on. Something to hang their hat on regarding safety. It's a total shell game, look over here, look over there but don't focus on the real issue. If the league is waving the flag for concussion safety, thigh pads won't fix the issue and we all know it.

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