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Former Orioles Great Rick Dempsey Talks Baseball And Bacon

Former Oriole Rick Dempsey

Former Baltimore Orioles catcher Rick Dempsey joined Steve & Bob to talk baseball and about his restaurant Dempsey's. Rick was on to promote that his restaurant will be featured on the United States of Bacon a show that is aired on Destination America. Dempsey's head chef dropped off some bacon on a stick that all the guys on the show enjoyed this morning.

Rick talked about how with the Ravens winning the Super Bowl it can become contagious to the other sports teams in the town.

Bob asked Rick about the Orioles pitching staff whether it was quality or quantity. Dempsey said he believes for the first time in a long time the Orioles have both quality and quantity. He seemed to be most impressed with Dylan Bundy and Mike Gonzales, saying "I just don't see how this rotation can be beat". Rick also spoke about the defense and line-up and how down the stretch the Orioles defense and pitching will be the difference, and the Orioles will contend in the division.

Steve asked Rick about the steroid era players and when and if they should get into the Hall Of Fame. Rick explained that he agrees with the writers and feels like those players knew they were doing wrong and the consequences fit their actions.

Finally Steve asked Rick about playing in a town when both sports teams are competitive. Rick said that it is contagious and the athletes talk to each other and all want to represent the city well and win, and he believes that the Ravens and Orioles will continue to both be competitive for years to come.

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