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Firefighter Killed In Blaze Laid To Rest

TOWSON, Md. (WJZ) -- A fallen volunteer firefighter who saved a woman's life minutes before he died is laid to rest.

Alex DeMetrick reports the funeral service for the firefighter has generated a massive outpouring of support from other firefighters throughout the region.

In the bitter cold, the funeral for Mark Falkenhan, 43, was conducted in complete honors. He was trapped on the third floor of an apartment complex in Hillendale. He died helping others escape the fire.

"We all know Mark was no average man. One of our employees recently referred to him as a renaissance man. He could do it all and always wanted to do more," said Chief John Hohnan, Baltimore County Fire.

Falkenhan leaves behind a wife and two children, as well as a legacy of service. He was an expert in tactical operations. He made a career first with Baltimore County's Fire Department before retiring and joining the Lutherville Volunteers.

There was a procession up to Dulaney Valley Cemetery. Hundreds of fire engines were seen in the long procession.


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