ESPN's John Barr On Donald Sterling And Possible Clippers Sale
John Barr is a reporter for ESPN and formerly of Fox 45.
John joined Ed and Steve to talk about the Donald Sterling saga which continues and seems to never go away.
ESPN's John Barr on Donald Sterling
John talked about other cases involving Donald and Shelly Sterling and getting depositions about Sterling making racist comments and sexually harassment. There were also many documents from the case where Donald tried to kept races out of his housing developments. John mentioned that the point of all this was that the NBA could have looked into all these situations and tried to get Sterling out and why did they not act sooner.
John also talked about the many lies that Donald Sterling has been caught up in such as saying he paid for sex, enjoyed it then completely denied it during lawsuits.
John talked about his piece on ESPN and how they've dug deep trying to find out about the lawsuit and if the sale will be legitimate.
For more from John Barr and the "Outside the Lines" report check out The NBA's Sterling Scandal.