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Dundalk Fire Officials Say Church Bus Was Intentionally Set On Fire

DUNDALK, Md. (WJZ)-- Church property torched. It's a crime that's shaken one Baltimore County congregation.

And as Gigi Barnett explains, it may be connected to other recent fires.

"If that's going to upset Satan, we're just going to put more buses on the road," Philip Hall of Calvary Baptist Church said.

Hours before daybreak, Hall received an urgent phone call telling him to rush to his Dundalk church. He arrived and saw:

"Two fire engines, four or five police cars and just a whole lot of smoke," Hall said.

One of the church's five buses was on fire. The fire was so hot it scorched a second bus next to it.

Investigators believe someone set the overnight blaze. But the reason why is still a mystery.

"I couldn't believe that someone would do that, especially to church property," church member Judy Rolfe said.

"I don't know if it was for kicks. All we can do is just pray for the person who did this, because there's obviously something wrong with them," Jennifer Markomanolakis, another church member, said.

The heat shattered windows and charred seats, turning both buses into a total loss for the church and the families who need it on Sunday mornings.

"The biggest thing that upsets me is that you're denying children to come here and be a part of a church family and their families. And that's what breaks my heart," Hall said.

But in a surprising twist of fate, members of the church went online and in the last 48 hours, they've raised nearly $10,000 -- almost enough to buy two more buses.

They're grateful but they still want the suspects in police custody.

"Our church has always taught us when something happens, just continue to fight," Hall said.

While there is some speculation that an accelerant may have been used to set the buses on fire, firefighters say that piece of the equation is still under investigation.

Fire investigators have ruled the fire an arson.

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