Dr. Sanford Siegel Prostate Cancer Run/Walk Aims To Raise Awareness, Funds For Early Screening
OWINGS MILLS, MD (WJZ) — Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer in men- but it can often be treated- especially if it's found early.
Phil Shulka knows most guys don't like talking about prostate cancer.
"As many men get prostate cancer as women get breast cancer, but men don't talk about it," Shulka said.
But as a prostate cancer survivor and a recovery coach for Chesapeake Urology- that's exactly what Phil is doing.
"I will tell men when I talk to them, for that first year, after you've been diagnosed, you basically are in a quandary because you're like 'I have prostate cancer, I have prostate cancer,' then you start to hear from other guys who have had it and you start to hear, you're going to be okay," Shulka said.
This weekend, Phil and other survivors will be at Dr. Sanford Siegel Prostate Cancer Run/Walk.
"It's a great day, it's so much fun, it's a family event," Shulka said.
It was renamed in 2018 to honor the man who started it, when he himself was diagnosed. The race has raised more than $5 million for research, education and free screenings for early detection.
WJZ Community Connection: Register For The Zero Prostate Cancer Run/Walk
"It's really kind of mind-boggling to think that there are men out there whose lives that we are probably saving by finding out that they do have cancer that can be treated,"
Phil himself is currently undergoing treatment that was a result from the research funded by the walk.
"We need to raise awareness and use these funds this way," Shulka said.
The Dr. Sanford Siegel Prostate Cancer Run/Walk is this Sunday at Towson University. Runners can sign up all the way up to the start of the race.