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DJ Flow to return to Baltimore's AFRAM for a heartfelt performance

DJ Flow ready to perform at Baltimore's AFRAM
DJ Flow ready to perform at Baltimore's AFRAM 02:40

BALTIMORE -- DJ Flow will take the stage at AFRAM on Saturday. He got his start DJing in Baltimore and says this weekend's show will be a thank you to the city that has been with him from the start.  

For DJ Flow, it all started in Baltimore. A city that has become home.

"I started here, I have learned from the greats here, I have been influenced by the people here. This is the reason I even stayed in Baltimore, I love the city so much," DJ Flow said.

This weekend he will get to feel the love from the city when he takes the stage at AFRAM.

Family that has watched him grow from the very start. From being homeless and starting to traveling across the world to DJ for some of the biggest artists in the world.

"I've cried before in the desert. I've been in Dubai, I put a video up, and I'm just in the desert like yo I can't believe this is life, I'm being paid to be in Dubai and perform in front of hundreds of thousands of people. You can't write a better story." DJ Flow said.

That story is rooted deep in the Baltimore community. 

DJ Flow attended Morgan State University and started the organization SMOOTH, a social and professional development group for young men of color. 

It's a program that helped keep students like Antonio Mann in school.

"It really felt like a brotherhood here. Just a bunch of people that have their own goals and we all come together to help each other," Antonio Mann, a SMOOTH member said.

DJ Flow says he wants to be an example for the members of his organization. He dropped out of college in 2011, but says he is re-enrolling in school this fall with the goal of earning a college degree.

This weekend, with family, friends and mentees in the crowd, DJ Flow says he will put on a show and share his moment with some of the biggest local artists.

AFRAM just the start of a busy summer for DJ Flow who will also DJ at Broccoli City Festival and Artscape later this summer.

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