Digital creators and their fans flock to Baltimore for annual VidCon festivities
BALTIMORE -- VidCon's first-ever East Coast event kicked off this weekend.
The world's leading digital creators and their fans gathered together in Baltimore to take part in the twelfth annual convention.
The event has something for everyone: fans, online influencers, gamers, content creators and more.
"We've got an expo hall where you can do gaming and go to beauty stations," Colin Hickey, VidCon's senior vice president of operations, said. "You can celebrate this online ecosystem but in real life."
The exhibit stars 100 featured creators, and 15 of them are from Baltimore.
"They have awesome stories and very entertaining people. So, might as well come out and see them live," one attendee said.
Last year's convention was held in Anaheim, California. It welcomed over 50,000 attendees. This year, event organizers home to exceed expectations.
In fact, one of the TikTok influencers traveled all the way to Baltimore from Seoul, South Korea.
The event is a win-win for the city because it introduces conference attendees to the beauty of Baltimore and boosts the city's economy at the same time.
"We've got people taking trains from New York, Boston and Philly," Hickey said. "We wanted to be here, and they wanted us here. So, why not?"