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Coronavirus Impact: BGE Customers With Disconnected Service Can Get Service Restored During COVID-19 Pandemic

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- If your BGE service was disconnected before March 13 you can contact BGE to get it turned back on, the company announced Monday.

Gov. Hogan has prohibited utility companies- including electric, gas, water, sewer, phone, cable TV and Internet service providers- from shutting off any residential customers or charging late fees.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, BGE will be working with residents whose service was disconnected before the March 13 moratorium on service disconnections to have their service restored.

"Having access to safe and reliable energy is not something that the residents of central Maryland should have to worry about at this time," said Carim Khouzami, CEO of BGE. "Any customer can contact us to ensure they have the service they need, to make more flexible payment arrangements or be connected with energy assistance resources if they encounter financial difficulties. The key is to reach out for assistance so that we can find the solution that is right for each customer."

Residents who had their electric service disconnected should contact the company at 800-685-0123 to get reconnected.

BGE customers can apply for energy assistance through the Maryland Department of Human Services, by contacting a Local Energy Assistance Office, or by contacting the Office of Home Energy Programs. Download BGE's Community Resource Guide for a complete list of resources.

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