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Congress Divided Over Extending Unemployment Benefits

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Congress still hasn't decided what to do about the millions of Americans whose unemployment benefits are now running out.  Lawmakers did not pass an extension on those checks.

Kai Jackson spoke with a Baltimore County man who is wondering what to do next.

This is really bad news for those out of work as we head into the holiday season.  A Towson man says if you live in Maryland your well of benefits will dry up even sooner.

Two million Americans will have a harder time paying their bills, feeding themselves and their families because unemployment benefits run out at the end of the month.

If Congress doesn't extend the benefits, millions of Americans will find themselves between a bigger rock and a harder place financially.  Lawmakers appear divided along party lines over the issue.

"It is absolutely necessary for me to work," said Gilbert Heath.

Heath has been unemployed for 17 months.  News that his unemployment benefits are about to run out hits hard.

"This unemployment for me was like $1,200 a month.  That becomes a significant amount of money in one's life," Heath said.

He's 71 and wanted to retire, but the former IBM worker says the economic collapse swallowed the savings he and his wife had.  He says in Maryland, benefits won't last 99 weeks as many have heard.

"Beyond that to get to 99, the states have to participate in the funding and the state of Maryland determined they did not want to fund it," he said.

Heath says he's been looking for work.

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