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Children Saved From Burning Md. Home Meet Rescuers

CLINTON, Md. (WJZ) -- A young Maryland boy makes a dramatic call to 911 after a fire traps him and his sister inside their home. Tuesday, the children got to meet the people who saved their lives.

Amy Yensi has more on the emotional reunion.

First responders rarely get the opportunity to reunite or even meet the people they help save. Tuesday, everyone got together under happier circumstances.

Trapped in a second-story bedroom of a house as it went up in flames, 13-year-old Marcus McCoy called 911 and chose to fight for himself and his nine-year-old sister, Aaliyah.

"I didn't think I was that brave. I was just trying to call and get help," Marcus said.

"Being able to hear it from start to finish was amazing," said emergency operator Kristen Ritter.

Ritter talked the quick-thinking teen through an agonizing 11 minutes, asking the critical questions and relaying information to the operator.

Marcus says his parents taught him to call 911 in case of an emergency.

"Sometimes parents aren't always able to dial 911," said Ritter.

As flames consumed the burning house on Small Drive Sunday morning, little Aaliyah also sprung into action.

"They got Marcus first and they got me second when I was pulling on the firefighter's leg," she said.

Tuesday, the emergency personnel and rescued children met in person to recognize the McCoy siblings for their bravery.

"A lot of the calls that we go to don't turn out like this," said one firefighter.

"I don't feel no different. I just feel like what I did was right," Marcus said.

The parents are still too emotional to talk.

The near-death experience has strengthened an already unbreakable bond.

"Thank you for saving my life, Marcus," his little sister said.

There is an unsung hero in all of this. The family dog noticed the fire first and started barking to wake everyone up.

The operator and dispatcher also received an award.

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