First Alert Weather

Maryland storms, rain continue into Monday morning

Notice something different? We overhauled our website

Chances are by now you've noticed some changes to our website.

Like our sister stations, we recently shifted to a new content management system, and part of that change included a facelift for

But while the site might look different, you can still count on WJZ to deliver the same First Alert weather, community-driven journalism and in-depth reporting.


Here's what to expect with these changes:

New tools & features

One of the first things you'll notice is our website is sleeker and faster. That means pages will load more quickly when you hop online to start your day.

You'll also find our Super Navigation bar at the top, which contains some of your favorite resources, such as the CBS Baltimore App and Community MVP nominations.

Another bonus? You'll have expanded access to CBS News content from across the country while getting the same local coverage from the team you trust.

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