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Candidate profile: Ivan Bates seeks Baltimore's top prosecutor job for second time

BALTIMORE -- Ivan Bates is challenging Marilyn Mosby again for Baltimore City State's Attorney.

The former prosecutor is now a prominent defense attorney in Baltimore City.

"Crime's out of control and people want change," he said. "People are afraid and scared."

Senate President Bill Ferguson and other city leaders on Wednesday endorsed Bates in Cherry Hill.

Mosby defeated Bates and Thiru Vignarajah in 2018 to win her second term in office. The same three candidates are running for the office again in 2022.

Bates finished second in the 2018 race.

"When you go out there and you talk to people, they're afraid," Bates said. "If you have an illegal gun, you must be held accountable."

Mosby faces federal charges of perjury and falsifying information on mortgage applications. Her trial date was pushed back to Sept. 19.

"People want to have stability. They're afraid to gamble or vote that Ms. Mosby will be here," Bates said.

Bates was portrayed in HBO's "We Own This City" for his role representing some of the victims of Baltimore Police Department's corrupt Gun Trace Task Force.

"I was the one blowing the whistle about bad policing and it was the State's Attorney's Office—they weren't listening," Bates said.

Read more about Bates' prosecution plan here.

Maryland's Primary Election Day is July 19. A week of in-person, early voting begins Thursday, July 7. Mail-in voting has already begun.

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