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Cal Ripken Talks Baseball And His New Book

Former Oriole great Cal Ripken joins Ed & Steve to tell you about his new book Wild Pitch, and talk some baseball.

New York Yankees v Baltimore Orioles
(Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images)

Cal talked about Wild Pitch which he co-wrote with Kevin Cowherd, and talked about the characters and how he and Kevin developed the characters.

Steve asked Cal if the Orioles did enough in the off-season to take the next step. Cal said he talked with his brother Billy Ripken about it, and he thinks the Orioles did make enough moves. Cal said that Buck has a lot of pitching options which will lead to Oriole wins because Buck knows how to handle a pitching staff. Cal also said the team will be more confident knowing they can be a playoff team, and that he is satisfied if Buck is.

Former Oriole Cal Ripken Jr

Ed asked Cal what are his big question marks for the team. Cal talked about Brian Roberts and how it's a question mark but he believes Roberts is ready to go and is healthy.

Steve asked Cal if he was going to maybe make a move towards the front office of a baseball team. Cal said that he is putting his family first but as he gets more and more time he thinks about it more and more. He doesn't know when or how but at some point he'll make the jump.

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