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Businesses Grapple With Ethical Decisions Of Reopening When The Time Comes

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- As society questions if now is the right time to reopen states, clashes are emerging between people with totally different opinions on the matter.

Across the country, some protesters are pushing to open states. Others want to keep them closed.


Dr. Joseph Farrell teaches philosophy at Loyola University. He said reopening could bring relief because people are eager to get back to work.

But on the flip side, he doesn't think every business will put safety first.

WJZ's Ava-joye Burnett: "Do you think there are organizations that are putting profits above safety?"

Dr. Farrell: "Oh most certainly. If you are not putting masks on people in places of business and
making sure that people keep at least a six foot distance, you are putting them in harms way."

From Tesla to small businesses, some people are defying governors' orders.

In Texas, a salon owner spent two days in jail after opening her business. Dhe defended her decision in court.

"I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say I'm selfish," she said. "Because feeding my kids in not selfish."

Wade Menendez owns barber shops in Maryland, and two out of state. In preparation for the future, he's already installed barriers at one location.

"Even if they say you are able to go back into work next week, it's still maybe too soon for some people," Menendez said. "So I'm like, we may not open up all the way until June some time."

Maryland will reopen in phases, and many of these business owners are starting to make plans to keep workers and their customers safe.

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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