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Buck And Angela Showalter On The Trick Or Trot For Kids Peace On Saturday

Kids Peace, The Baltimore Orioles, and Buck and Angela Showalter will all be a part of the Trick Or Trot this Saturday.

Buck and Angela joined Steve (the event's emcee) and Ken to talk about the trick or trot happening this weekend.


Steve asked Angela what the Kids Peace organization is and the work that they do. Angela noted that, "Kids Peace is an organization focusing on therapeutic foster care. When kids go thru foster care they go thru life in a constant state of motion. This race particularly, we are focusing on kids approaching an age where they leave the foster home. We educate these kids on life skills they will need as they move on to live an independent life."

Ken asked Angela if Buck has connected with other cities he's managed in as much as he has with Baltimore. Angela acknowledged that he has connected with the city of Baltimore on a much deeper level than he has with other cities, "I don't think he has connected with other cities like he has with Baltimore. We went to our home in Texas the other day and just got back to Baltimore, and every time we come back here Buck always says how much he likes living here."

Angela went on to discuss why working with this organization is so important to her, how people can sign up for the Trick or Trot event if you haven't registered yet, and what its like being a the wife of a baseball manager.


Steve asked Buck about what working with the Kid's Peace organization has meant to both he and Angela and the kids involved. Buck noted the impact of this organization is felt on both sides, "this is something that is really impact-full to a lot of kids lives. It means a lot to Angela and I to be a part of this and these kids have impacted our lives even more than we have impacted their's."

Ken asked Buck about what it is like to manage in the city of Baltimore. Buck acknowledged that there is a great connection between the Orioles organization and the fans, "the fans here want to be competitive and compete for a championship, which is what we're trying to accomplish. I think we share a lot of the same ideas about life. The people of this city don't take life too seriously. Its an honor to be in the big leagues and be a member of the Baltimore Orioles and you have to keep that in mind if you want to play in this town."

Buck went on to discuss his opinion on the finalists for the American League Gold Glove awards, the health of Adam Jones over the course of this past season, the upcoming off-season, and his take on the ongoing MLB playoffs.

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