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Brittany Ghiroli Discusses The Orioles Pitching Depth

Brittany Ghiroli is the Baltimore Orioles beat reporter for

Brittany joined Ed and Steve live from Sarasota with an Orioles spring training update.

Brittany started off by talking about Chris Tillman and a possible contract extension saying "that report talks about Tillman and the team starting negotiations but not talking money so what does that mean?...nothing has changed since January." Brittany also talked about all the Orioles arms that they can use and the log jam of starting pitchers, and how the team will need to make some sort of trade to keep all of them and try to keep their rule 5 players. Brittany also talked about the lead-off hitter situation saying De Aza will more than likely be the guy but when he is out of the line-up it may be Manny Machado.

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