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Best Local Bloggers In Baltimore

When you are looking for the perfect Italian restaurant in Little Italy, reviews from food critics are helpful, but what you want is a first-hand account of what it is like to eat there. Is the pasta hand made? What is the service like? Enter the blogger. Bloggers are people who want to share their experiences with you. Blogs cover all sorts of topics. Local bloggers in Baltimore are writing about great places to eat, fun places to visit, the 411 on local sports teams and more. Blogs can be narrowly focused, for instance, dating tips for 20-something Baltimoreans, or cover wide-ranging topic like sightseeing in Baltimore or local sports teams. Regardless of what you're looking for, these local blogs should have the information you need.
Baltimore City generic, Baltimore skyline
Welcome to Baltimore, Hon!

Welcome to Baltimore, Hon! is a group community blog with a little bit of everything about life in Charm City. You can find out how to get around Baltimore or what to see when you visit. Ever wanted to know who the famous Baltimoreans are? Well, there's an entire page devoted to the likes of Charles "Roc" Dutton, a TV actor; Barbara Mikulski, a U.S. Maryland senator; Emily Post, manners expert extraordinaire; and Tupac Shakur, rap artist. 

Adventures in Baltimore Restaurants

Want to know where to eat in Baltimore? Jessica Lemmo has the scoop for you. Jessica writes a blog called Adventures in Baltimore Restaurants. She is also the Baltimore Restaurant Examiner. Part news about what is happening at restaurants in the Baltimore area and part restaurant reviews, Lemmo's blog gives the reader enough information to whet the to speak. Recent reviews include Ale Mary's and Slainte Irish Pub in Fells Point, The Abbey Burger Bistro in Federal Hill and RA Sushi in Harbor East.

Baltimore Ravens v New Orleans Saints
Baltimore Sports Journal

The Baltimore Sports Journal is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. This blog, a roundup of sports in the area, is written by a group of sports-mad bloggers. Postings include write-ups about end-of-season Orioles games, updates on the opening games of the Naval Academy football season and a preview of upcoming college football games.

Related: Best Foodies To Follow On Twitter In Baltimore

Grilled Shrimp Kabobs
Coconut & Lime

Seventh-generation Baltimorean Rachel Rappaport shares her original recipes at Rappaport started her blog as a way to share her recipes with friends, but now Rappaport develops recipes for General Mills, Dole, the National Mango Board, the Shrimp Council and even local spice company, McCormick. Rappaport is also a contributor to Parade Magazine.


Charmed and Dangerous

Charmed and Dangerous is about dating in Baltimore from a "twenty-something blogger who is still trying to figure it out." This blogger...not named...knows a thing or two about dating. This blogger wants to hook you up with dating advice gleaned from experts and from dating trials and tribulations.  Recent posts include the Best Bars for Singles in Baltimore, a regular feature on a "Baltimore Single" and an assortment of community event listings.

Related: Best Baltimore Fashion Blogs

Jill Berry @MusingsfromMe is a writer who stays at home or a SAHM who writesit depends on the day and her mood. While playing a writer on the internet, Jill has the gray hair AND blogposts from raising a kid, a preteen, and a teen. When not blogging at Musings from Me, Jill seizes family time whenever she candinner as a family, movie night, marathon family game sessions, travelingyou name it she wants to do it.
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