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Baseball America Editor John Manuel Breaks Down Bud Norris Trade

John Manuel, co-editor of the magazine Baseball America, joined the Norris and Davis show on Baltimore's 105-7 THE FAN Thursday morning to discuss the recent trades the Orioles have made, most recently the trade for Bud Norris.  Manuel believes that LJ Hoes was a "perennial prospect," but tells that most of these never turn into stars.  He says that Bud Norris is not going to be a star for the Orioles, but he is going to be a solid fourth starter in the rotation.  He mentions that the Astros are playing for the future rather than being competitive now, so they want more prospects and draft picks rather than trading for starters.

He transitions to Jonathan Schoop, an Orioles prospect who was rumored to be traded but ended up not moving, and claims that Dan Duquette keeps the prospects that look like they can become stars.  He thinks that Schoop has the potential to be a Manny Machado-esqe player that has power and can be a solid third baseman.

Baseball America Editor John Manuel Breaks Down Bud Norris Trade

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