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Baltimore Ravens, American Red Cross Team Up To Host Blood Drive Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the need for blood is critical.

The Baltimore Ravens recently partnered with the American Red Cross in an effort to save lives by hosting a blood drive.

"I saw the Ravens were having this, I figured was a good time to come out. What a great place to have it. I appreciate the Ravens," Randy Gambrill, a blood donor, said.


Many donors admit they're already Ravens fans, but knowing the organization hosts charity events during times of crisis just makes people like Matthew Austin love the team the even more.

"Shows the commitment that the organization has and how terrific an owner that Steve Bisciotti is.

Shawn Felder works for the American Red Cross in their disaster relief unit. He donates for more personal reasons.

"My mom recently passed away of cancer," Felder said. "She also needed a blood transfusion. So it hits home for me. I donate all the time."

Some say that he had appointments that got cancelled due to COVID-19's initial closures. Now that the American Red Cross is back to holding events, they wanted their names back on the donor list.

"[There's] still some positive in the world," Felder said.

If you would like to find a blood drive near you, all you have to do is head over to

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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