Baltimore Police Arrest Latest Public Enemy #1
BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- A bloody few days here in Baltimore. Four people were killed and more than half a dozen injured in shootings across the city. Now gunmen are targeting the gunmen in these crimes, and it's already paying off.
Meghan McCorkell has more on the latest arrest.
Just an hour after announcing their newest Public Enemy #1, city police had that man in custody.
Investigators swarmed a Northwest Baltimore neighborhood after a man was found shot Monday night. It's a familiar scene that's played out in communities across the city this weekend.
"What's going on with the neighborhoods today? How safe is it for our kids?" said Va'Sean Duvall.
At the Marble Hall Garden Apartments, police say Jamal Williams, 20, opened fire into a crowd of people standing outside, hitting two of them. The shooting happened right outside Duvall's window.
"Woke up to hear people screaming and yelling. And I'm like, `What is that?' We hear somebody outside, yelling, `Call the police! Somebody got shot!'" Duvall said.
Monday, police named Williams the new Public Enemy #1.
"He shot up a community. We're trying to get this guy off the street," said Lt. Col. Dan Lioi.
Within one hour of that announcement, Williams was taken into custody just blocks from the shooting scene.
Williams is the third Public Enemy #1 named and captured by Baltimore City Police this summer. Alleged gang member Darryl Anderson was caught in Alabama, accused of multiple killings. Capone Chase, 19, was arrested for murder in the death of a man in a Greektown playground.
"We want our message to be clear to everyone out there. If you commit a crime, we're going to come after you and we're going to catch you," said Detective Jeremy Silbert.
Police plan to continue naming new public enemies.
Police have not named suspects in any of the other shootings this weekend.
The department also has announced another leadership shakeup with new majors in both the central and western districts.