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Baltimore Police Make Arrest In Elderly Woman's Murder

BALTIMORE (WJZ)-- It's a crime that shook a community. An elderly woman was murdered in her home. Now police say they've caught her killer.

Weijia Jiang has the one item that led police to their suspect.

What happened on Aug. 3 still gives Irene Ushry nightmares. WJZ was there moments after she found her 91-year-old mother, Irene Logan, stabbed to death in the home they shared on Moravia Road.

Since then, Ushry has prayed every night.

"That God would uncover this man, bring it to the light and he would get the justice that is due for this crime he has done," Ushry said.

On Friday, her prayer was answered. Police arrested Anthony Robinson, 45.

Just-released charging documents reveal Logan's injuries also included strangulation, blunt force and a broken back.

"The closing of this case was cut right out of a scene of CSI," Baltimore City Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. "Unlike TV, it doesn't happen in 45 minutes but all the steps are there."

Police point to the CBS drama because their case relied heavily on forensic technology seen on the show.

They say a cigarette butt found outside the front door was the key piece of evidence. DNA on it matched samples recovered from Logan's fingernails, all belonging to Robinson.

"That was our lucky break," Guglielmi said.

Ushry says Anthony Robinson is a total stranger to the family. They've never heard his name. Police do not know if he targeted Logan because of her age. Ushry thinks that's exactly what happened.

"He saw her age and realized he could do whatever he wanted to once he got in here," she said.

Police call Robinson a career criminal, with a long history of robbery, burglary and drugs. He's charged with stealing costume jewelry, watches and a checkbook from Logan.

What she was truly robbed of is invaluable.

"Robbed her of her life," Ushry said. "She would have lived a lot longer, I do believe."

That's because Logan-- known lovingly as Grannie-- was a very lively 91-year-old. Her family says this arrest brings them some peace, but they are now waiting for a conviction.

Robinson faces several charges, including first-degree murder.

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