Baltimore County students scoring below state average in English and math, report shows
BALTIMORE - For some time, frustration has been building among parents, teachers and Baltimore County council members concerning school Superintendent Dr. Darryl Williams.
Declining test scores is just one of the major areas of worry when it comes to Baltimore County Public Schools.
The Maryland State Department of Education released its report card and it showed that students are scoring below the state average across the board in English and math.
"Baltimore County Schools used to be a shining star of a school system, with really strong academics, but over the past decade, we have been declining in our scores," said Amy Adams, President of the Baltimore County Parent and Student Coalition.
The Baltimore County Parent and Student Coalition took a vote of no confidence in Baltimore County Superintendent Dr. Williams and sent a letter to the Baltimore County Board of Education on Monday asking the Board to refrain from renewing his contract.
Williams, who has been with the district for four years, sent a letter saying that he will not be seeking another term as superintendent.
A lack of leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the many issues highlighted in the letter sent to the Board of Education.
The issue of learning loss following the COVID-19 pandemic is a nationwide problem.
Test scores released by the State Department of Education show the issue is prevalent across the state.
Test results showed that Baltimore County students are below the state average of students scoring proficient in math and English in grades 3-8, English 10 and algebra 1.
"We need a strong leader who is really invested in our community, it's a diverse school system, it's a big school system, and our kids are showing up with more needs now than they've ever had in the past," Adams said.
Dr. Williams' contract is set to expire on June 30.
A parent of a Baltimore County student, who used to be a teacher in the county, told WJZ that t her biggest fear as a parent is that children are graduating without knowing basics.