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Baltimore County Public Schools Feeling The Impact Of Nationwide Teacher Shortage

TOWSON, Md. (WJZ) -- There is a nationwide teachers shortage and Baltimore County Public Schools is feeling the impact.

"They had larger than normal classes when the school year started. It has gotten better," said Teresa Propst, Parent.

Teresa Propst says the demand for virtual learning put a strain on her child's class earlier this year.

"I feel for the teachers. They are doing the best they can and trying to keep themselves safe and the kids," said Propst.

This shortage has been impacting schools in our area for some time. Last month, WJZ interviewed the President of the Maryland State Education Association.

"We really see a crisis in teacher shortages and other staffing shortages," said Cheryl Bost, Maryland State Education Association President.

The president of the Baltimore County Teachers Association echoes that message.

"It's not just teachers. It's support staff, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, nurses, it's across the board," said Cindy Sexton, Baltimore County Teachers Association President.

BCPS tells WJZ that they are not going through a "critical teachers shortage right now."

School leaders say because of the size of the district, they're always recruiting new workers and that they hire between 600 and 800 teachers a year because of vacancies.

The district hosts job fairs regularly. Parents told WJZ that the key to getting more teachers is paying them more.

"They're working with a lot of kids then they should be paid more. They're working with the hours after school, they should be paid more," said Christina Clay, Parent.

Sexton says the real problem is that the profession isn't as respected as it used to be and that people are not signing up for the job.

"Education is not always highly respected in our society right now. So, it really is a society problem to have the respect for the profession and really everything that educators do," said Sexton.

School leaders say they work to recruit teachers from all over. They are hosting another job fair on Oct. 29 for retired teachers and professionals.

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